Monday, January 12, 2009

Thing #14: Mmm, Delicious

Thing #14: Tagging & social bookmarking in Delicious. Woo! An easy one! I've already been on Delicious for a couple of months, and I love it! I loved it from the get-go, because it's usefulness is so blazingly obvious. I haven't gotten much into the social aspects of it yet, but I really love being able to annotate each bookmark. Further, even though I was always meticulous about keeping my bookmarks well organized into folders and subfolders, tagging them is superior in every way--easier to maintain, easier to search. Also, it's nice to be able to access my bookmarks when I'm away from home.

My Delicious user name is LunaMurphy. Keep in mind that I use Delicious strictly my personal bookmarks, so you won't see a lot of library-related entries. At work, we have a social bookmarking widget integrated into our staff wiki, so if I want to share bookmarks with my coworkers, I do it there. That wiki and those bookmarks are not publicly available, so I can't show you. It would be nice to share those more widely, though.

I love what the Holdridge Area Public Library has done with their tag cloud. That is an awesome way to share bookmarks with patrons. I imagine their subject specialists select which websites to add. It probably requires, if not a formal collection development policy, at least a similar ethos to selecting physical materials for the collection. What a great way to help patrons find the best stuff on the web without casting into the wide sea of Google.

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